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Jesuit & TBT Wrestling - Super32 Qualifier @ Osceola HS

Travel and weigh in Friday

NOTE: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WRESTLE IN  ONE OF THESE TOURNAMENTS IN ORDER TO WRESTLE IN THE SUPER 32.  These tournaments are a way to earn a chance to register early for the Super 32 High School Division.


Early Entry based on these tournaments ONLY APPLIES TO THE HIGH SCHOOL BOYS' DIVISION OF THE SUPER 32.


Some of these tournaments listed below may have other divisions (Elementary, Middle School, Girls), but that is up to each location. You will need to look at the information below or contact each location's tournament director to find out if they will offer additional divisions. And again, if they do offer additional divisions (EL, MS, Girls), placement in those divisions does not allow for early registration in the Super 32. The ONLY division in the Super 32 that is eligible for early registration based on these tournament results is the Boys' High School Division.

September 7

Tiger Wrestling Practice

September 11

Jesuit Wrestling Weights & Practice